Server rules

By using our server, you agree to follow our Terms of Use (click here to view the Terms of Use). If you do not agree, please close this window and immediately disconnect from all servername's services.

Use these links to jump to each section Generic rules, Adverting rules, Raiding rules, Kidnapping rules, Mugging rules, carjacking, Countering rules, basing rules, New life rules, Job Specific Rules, Police job rules and Citizen job rules

General Rules

You must speak English in order to play on RDRP. Not speaking enough English to participate in admin sits will get you permbanned.
No RDM,RDA,NLR,FDA,Metagaming.
Do not ERP (sexual RP).
Do not start PVP with someone with "AFK" in their job. Do not use "AFK" in your job unless you are actually AFK.
You can still raid someone with "AFK" in their job, unless they have an AFK sign on their base - read the Sign Rules below for more info.
Do not Propspam. Causing mass prop/entity collision, e.g. filling containers with drugs or props, classes as propspam, you WILL be banned for this.
Do not impersonate ANYONE for ANY reason.
Do not use names that are extremely similar to anyone else's name. We need to be able to tell the difference between players.
Ban evasion [logging in on an alt while banned on another account] is an instant, permanent ban.
If you do not have audio, put it in your name/job. If you fail to do so, you will be held responsible if you falsely report people. 
If somebody has a no-audio message in their name/job you are obligated to accommodate for them.
You will be held fully responsible for any actions taken by another person on your account.
Do not harrass other players, e.g. constantly mugging the same guy because you don't like him.
Do not put abusive or offensive signs or signs with excess profanity in public places.
There is no FearRP rule. You can run away from muggings, defend yourself, etc. Same applies to other RP events.
Do not initiate RP events or build within the spawn area (you may only start RP events or build after exiting through one of the tunnels). If you break the law in spawn, PD can arrest you as you started the RP.
Do not retreat into the safezone during RP.
Be respectful towards staff and the server. Shouting at staff, insulting staff, being condescending, using sarcasm negatively towards or otherwise belittling staff is unacceptable. Accusing them of abuse classes as insulting them. Just report the staff member on the forum.
Any kind of hateful discrimination (racism/homophobia etc.) is not permitted and is bannable
You may not engage in RP or use icons, signs, etc that refer to extremely offensive events, e.g. 9/11, nazism, communist russia, and so forth.
Always follow an admin's instructions. If you believe their instructions are unfair, then report them afterwards, but you must obey.
Your name must contain only contain characters typable on a standard English keyboard.
ASCII codes in your name are forbidden. (ASCII codes = ALT + Numpad combinations)
Your name must be contain at least three CONSECUTIVE letters or numbers.
Using advanced duplicator to spawn in any restricted props, models, or entities is against the rules, you may lose adv dupe 2 or be banned. If you are in doubt, try spawning them without adv dupe 2 first.
Do not exploit bugs/glitches, report them to an admin or on the forums. /buy awp is a bug, using it is instant ban.
No inappropriate, sexual or offensive names, sprays, job titles, or content in global chat. 
Do not copy another players name.
Do not one-way propshoot (If you can see a player, but they can't see you, and you are shooting through a prop, then it's one-way propshooting) 
Do not prop abuse. (Surfing, killing, blocking,pushing etc.)
Do not propclimb (using props to reach inaccessible areas where you AREN'T BASING. Stairs or a ramp/ladder as part of a base is okay.)
Even if you change the name of your job using /job, you must still follow the job rules, and you CANNOT use it to impersonate other jobs.
Threatening to DoS, dox, DDoS or otherwise harm the server or its staff will get you a permanent ban
Do not abuse the pocket tool, e.g. do not use it to save job-specific items (such as DJ controllers)
Do not inventory, pocket or save your job weapons in any way and do not transfer them to other jobs or players.
Do not troll players or the server. Obviously you can be somewhat annoying within RP but extreme or constant disruption classes as trolling. Hobos are exempt from MOST trolling rules as it is their job to be annoying.
You can counter kidnap, mug, raid, carjack as any job.
Printers ARE Bitcoin Miners.
Do not advertise anything on our server BUT you may unobtrusively promote your Twitch/Youtube channel.
Do not declare any RP event that is not listed in these rules.
Do not use the black physics gun color.
Do not demote without a good reason why somebody shouldn't be their job, e.g. a DJ playing music nobody likes.
Do not demote for breaking rules - !report them.
Do not fire a weapon without a valid RP reason. No random shooting.
Do not buy or spawn any props or entities during any kind of PVP.
No pornographic, ear rape-y, sexual or inappropriate/offensive videos are allowed in the cinema. This can be an instant ban.
You must be the appropriate gun dealer job in order to sell guns, e.g. a normal gun dealer cannot sell AWPs, only a future gun dealer can.
Do not self-supply (never spawn weapons in except for immediate sale or auto-gunshops). After you have built a shop you may purchase one weapon for yourself for self defense
Rejoining the server completely resets RP, including alliances, possessions, props, protection timers, and so forth. You will keep inventory items and money
Cash giveaways are prohibited (new users have nothing to do if given billions). You may give away a MAXIMUM of 1 million dollars ($1,000,000) per day
Do not steal drones. RDM rules apply to drones, i.e. you must have a valid RP reason to kill them, the same as if you were killing another player
Do not build or modify your base/props during PVP.

Adverting rules

Do not Adverting rule here
Do not Adverting rule here
Do not Adverting rule here
Do not Adverting rule here
Do not Adverting rule here
Do not Adverting rule here
Do not Adverting rule here
Do not Adverting rule here
Do not Adverting rule here

Raiding rules

bla bla
bla bla
bla bla
bla bla

kidnapping rules

bla bla
bla bla
bla bla

mugging rules

bla bla
bla bla
bla bla
bla bla

countering rules

You may counter raids, kidnaps, mugs, ATM hacks, carjacks, and arrests

basing rules

bla bla
bla bla

New life rules

bla bla
bla bla

Job Specific Rules


bla bla
bla bla

Citizen jobs

Citizen are lazy and stupid.
You can get your clothes changed at evocity apparel